Thursday, March 15, 2012

Missing DD

Missing DD and all the Scrap Shack Chicks.   No new updates because we have not heard from DD in a long, long time.   Holler!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Scrap Shack Closed until November 2011

Diane wants to get the place "cleaned OUT" and "cleaned UP". Her goal is to pull EVERYTHING out, go through everything and get rid of a lot of stuff. And while everything is pulled out (and yes sitting on the tables) she wants to do a little painting to get some color in the little house. Then she will take her time and slowly put things in place (where ever that my be). The only way to get this done is to close for a few months with the ultimate goal of being done for the November Crop.
Keep checking here for updates.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Shaving Cream Technique and 2 Cards

A whole lot of messy .... but 2 simple ingredients ... shaving cream and reinkers.

Check out Diane's new t-shirt.

And her new border punch.

Sally was thrilled with herself because she was able to participate even with her hurt wrist. Her physical therapist would be so proud.

ooo, la la, colored embossing powder

and new "in" colors

Jacques wanted to be held so he can watch us.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Diane wrote an email today that we will be learning the "shaving cream" technique. She also said to wear old clothes because it will be messy. We will be making 2 cards so come at 1 pm, bring $10 and your standard scrapbook kit with adhesive, paper trimmer, scissors, etc.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Scrap Shack Chicks at Spring Scrapfest 2011

Last Thursday, Friday and Saturday quite a few Scrap Shack Chicks were seen at the Scrapfest in Mandeville, LA.
No pictures were taken of Peggy, Linda, Elizabeth, Sally, Yolande, Carolyn and Brenda but here is one of Gisele, Reyne, Lori, Diane and Lynn.

and one of Ellen with all her packages.

Our next meeting is this Saturday, March 19 at 1 p.m. where Diane will be demonstrating techniques using a brayer. Check your email box for the supply list because Diane sent that out today.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Lori's Hostess Party 2/13/11

Yesterday was a Stampin Up hostess party at Scrap Shack given by Lori. The Scrap Shack Chicks made a card and a scrapbook page created by Diane.

Lori joined us via speaker phone from her hospital riverside-view room at Ocshner where she is in her first week of a 30 day extended stay. Our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family during this time. Lori's mom, Carolyn, brought all the drinks and snacks to the party and they were delicious.
Lori, we hope you get everything on your wish list and we'll do it all again when you are out and about again.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

December 2010 Meeting Canceled

Our December Christmas 2010 Party and Dirty Santa gift swap has been canceled per Diane's request while her doctors figure out why she's been feeling bad for a few months and get her well. We will shoot for our January meeting therefore this will give us more time to create our gift swap. Here are the parameters Diane has requested for our project:
- handmade craft 3-D gift
- $5.00 limit on anything you might have to buy (ex: the base of something like a box or styrofoam thing-a-ma-jig; etc.)
- all Stampin' Up! products (current or retired)
- gift wrapped